Ishimoto Yasuhiro Ise Jingū, Naikū, Inner east treasuary: Detail of base structure of building at the southwest corner. 1993
《薩摩切子》1973年 ©高知県,石元泰博フォトセンター ※被写体は尚古集成館所蔵 Satsuma Kiriko,  1973 ©Kochi Prefecture, IshimotoYasuhiro Photo Center *Satsuma Koriko item from the collection of Shoko Shuseikan Museum.
Chicago, Town, 1959-61
©Kochi Prefecture, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Photo Center

HANA, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Collection Exhibition

Fascinated by flowers’ structure, with the slender stalk or peduncle supporting

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Kunisaki-kiko: Journey to the Kunisaki, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Collection Exhibition

Located in the northeast of Oita Prefecture in Kyushu, the Kunisaki Peninsula pr

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Transient, Fleeting: The World of Ishimoto Yasuhiro part 24

Things Uncertain Looking at the clouds and imagining all kinds of shapes is fun.

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[Gallery] Color and Language

[Gallery] Chicago, Chicago


Transient, Fleeting: The World of Ishimoto Yasuhiro part 23

Ise Shrine A person from the Jingu Museum at the Ise Shrine that I met about two

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[Gallery] Tokyo, Yamanote-Line


Transient, Fleeting: The World of Ishimoto Yasuhiro part 22

The Artistic Beauty of the Meguro River Can you imagine that this is the water s

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Color and Language, Ishimoto Yasuhiro Collection Exhibition

The vivid color photographs created by the technique of multiple exposure repres

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Maintenance Notice

We will have a maintenance of server from 19 to 31 October 2017. Please note tha

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Transient, Fleeting: The World of Ishimoto Yasuhiro part 21

Around the Yamanote-Line, Tokyo   The cat that poses at a 45-degree angle w

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Ishimoto Yasuhiro Photo Exhibition: Chicago, Chicago

Having studied the concept and methodology of modern photography at the Institut

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